
This series of photos was taken during a winter stay in a remote part of eastern Iceland. It was a sparsely populated area, covered in a layer of snow. There was little life, and little colour. On daily walks, the surrounding landscape revealed itself to be a spatial lithograph, a three-dimensional black-and-white drawing. Part of the landscape was a dormant mine of dusty, black, coal-like stone that, together with the snow, made any subtle variances in the colour of the landscape invisible, and divulged its manmade rawness.



size 80 cm x 60 cm

  • Snow-covered coal-like hills in eastern Iceland, showcasing a black-and-white lithograph-like winter landscape.
  • Close-up of a snowy slope in eastern Iceland, revealing the raw contrast of black coal and white snow.
  • A conical hill of coal-like stone covered in snow, part of the stark Icelandic winter landscape.